Project(s): Latex; Rubber Nano Products

Project(s): Equispray™

Project(s): Kelly Mae Dillon

Donnie is the Project Office & Commercialisation Deputy Director of a research and innovation group at the Nelson Mandela University known as eNtsa. This group provides engineering solutions for mainly the manufacturing-, power generation-, nuclear and automotive industries. His key areas of responsibility within eNtsa includes the commercialisation of technologies developed in-house, supervision and co-ordination of project resources.
Project(s): Weldcore®

Project(s): Insulate; Battery Temperature Indicator; Battery Health Sensor

Project(s): Badger™

Project(s): Learning Enhancement Checklist (LEC); Student Counselling Centre Management System; Wellness Questionaire for Higher Education (WQHE); Peer Helper Assessment Barometer

Lauren created her own fashion label Mooi-mooii during her BTech studies in Fashion Design at the Nelson Mandela University and has since opened her own boutique in Central with the hope of making her unique mark in the South African fashion industry.
She aims to sell sustainable, simple, versatile and affordable garments influenced by South African and International trends by using quality fabrics purchased from South African suppliers.

Project(s): MaXhosa by Laduma®
Project(s): MaXhosa by Laduma®

Prof Olivier and his team developed the TouchTutor™ Maths and Science package, a cross-platform digital resource that provides flexible off-line access to quality curriculum-aligned teaching and learning material in secondary schools via Tablets, Laptops and mobile phones.
Department of Maths and Applied Maths
Project(s): Touch Tutor®

Prof Phillips has conducted research over a number of years on various novel wind turbine concepts. His concept of a low speed, low noise helical Savonius rotor lead to the development of the Twerly hybrid streetlight which is currently being commercialised. His other main research project is the commercialisation of a viable thermal battery system which aims to store solar derived heat for later use both in the form of heat and/or electricity via a heat engine.
Project(s): Hot Rock™; Segmented Turbine; Twerly®

Prof Smith has a B.Sc degree in Physics, a B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering as well as a Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering. Prof Smith is an Associate Professor of Mechatronic Engineering at the Nelson Mandela University with research interests in Embedded Systems, Hardware Evolution, and Radiation Protection of Spacecraft Electronics. He is a Registered professional engineer with the Engineering Council of South Africa and a Senior Member of the IEEE.
Department of Mechatronics
Project(s): Advanced Circuit Designs

Project(s): Berries

Department of Physics
Project(s): SunTestLab™; PV

Department of Psychology
Project(s): Growing Children Building Careers™

Mr Young is the Engineering Director of a research and innovation group at the Nelson Mandela University known as eNtsa. This group provides engineering solutions for mainly the manufacturing, power generation and transport industries.
Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Research
Project(s): TabStore™