The current market of ophthalmic implants does not cater for soft contact lenses for the eyes of Black Africans. The profiles of contact lenses currently available in the market are not suitable for their eyes as commercial contact lenses are designed for corneas having steeper profiles. This technology is about bridging a gap existing in the market through designing and local manufacturing of soft contact lenses targeted at the black ethnic group. The idea is to use the more advanced polymers that have special profile dimensions of which can help extend wearing life of contact lenses and avoid complications from unstable fitting. Advantages • Local production of contact lenses • It is considered part of the fields of Advanced Manufacturing and Bioengineering, which are national strategic priorities • Increase human skills in areas of bioengineering and ophthalmic implants manufacturing Market Application To locally design and manufacture soft contact lenses. Opportunities • Partnership opportunities • Investment Development Status TRL 7: late prototype. Please click here to download the information on this page. For more information, please contact the Nelson Mandela University Innovation Office: ✉ ☎ +27(0) 41 504 4309